We are unapologetic about our goal.

We are here to protect women’s sports and spaces.

Women deserve the opportunities that sports and single sex spaces provide.

Sex matters. It is the single biggest determinant of athletic performance. It is unfair and dangerous to allow males (XY) to compete in girls and women’s (XX) sports.

For women to compete safely and fairly, women’s sports need to remain female.

We’ll be here defending truth. And women and girls. Until that happens.

Shop Women's

Founded on Truth.
Dedicated to Quality.
Built for Style & Performance

We’re committed to standing up for the truth and America’s highest ideals: equality of opportunity, freedom of speech, open debate and dissent, and striving for excellence.

We’re not out to make okay products for the “parallel economy” ... we are here to make clothes that are of the finest quality — the very best fits and fabrics and styles — that you’ll not only be proud to wear but love wearing.

And though we know it can be scary to stand up and apart, if we do it together...we believe it’s a little less scary. And we promise, you won't be alone.

So, join us and wear your XX-XY Athletics gear with pride.


Shop Men's