One Year In: XX-XY Athletics Is Just Getting Started

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One Year In: XX-XY Athletics Is Just Getting Started

We just turned one! After completing our rookie year, I think it’s safe to say we outperformed our own expectations as well as other one year old start-ups in the athletic apparel category. One might say we are punching above our weight class. Or that we are running, rather than walking, out of the gate.


Ok enough sports lingo.


We hit 7 figures in well under a year. Some time back at around 7 months old. We’ve had highs and lows – we have been threatened and bullied and we were banned from Tik Tok for 8 months (but we’re back!). But there is no doubt that XX-XY Athletics is not only proving that there is demand for a brand that stands up for the protection of women’s sports, but that we are influencing the cultural conversation.


Our goal in starting this brand was two-fold:


1.    Create a world class athletic clothing brand built on outstanding products, inspiring marketing and financial discipline. And to create a work environment where merit is paramount, and free speech for our employees rules the day. Though all of us who work here agree that biology is real and women deserve safety, privacy and fairness, we come from a wide range of political and cultural backgrounds. One could say we don’t agree on much else besides the mission of the brand. And in putting together a team of people with diverse viewpoints, we believe we can herald a return to normie capitalism. That’s not political. It’s just common sense.

2.    Change the conversation. Brands influence culture. By creating a brand and product line that normalizes standing up for women and girls, we can help make it ok to say the obvious (and that which 80% of Americans agree upon but have been too afraid to say out loud): men and women are different; women deserve their own sports and spaces. Every person who wears one of our logo tees to the weekend soccer game widens the Overton window just a little bit more, making it more acceptable to say out loud what most of us know to be true.


Much has changed since we launched on March 25, 2024. Biden’s Title IX changes which prioritized gender identify over biological sex have been rolled back. We have an executive order that protects women’s sports. And 80% of Americans now acknowledge that women’s sports must be protected.


But we aren’t done yet. In fact, we are just getting started.


We have ambitious plans for our business and the cultural impact we seek to make. And you are the critical part of making that happen. When a fan of the brand wears one of our products, it inevitably provokes a conversation. And that is what starts the grass roots movement necessary to end this madness. One by one, you have the tough conversations that change the culture. We just give you a little fodder to do so. You’re helping us spread the word and normalize saying the obvious.


Our commitment to you: we will make outstanding products that compete with the best known brands. When you try us out it might be because you support our mission. But we’ve seen you return time and time again, because the product exceeds your expectations.


We’ve got thousands of ratings and reviews and they are averaging over 4.8 stars out of 5. And we get your feedback when we fail to meet your expectations and we continue to strive to do better, and grow our collection so you can find the products that meet your needs and preferences.


We aren’t done yet in terms of ensuring that girls sports are for XX only. An executive order is not legislation. We need federal and state legislation to guarantee that girls’ sports are protected within the education system.


Beyond the education system, the sports governance landscape is fractured. We need an airtight policy from the NCAA, which we do not have. It is riddled with loopholes at present. We also need a clear policy from the US Olympic Committee which exists outside of the governance of the current executive order. And we need a clear policy from the International Olympic Committee, which exists outside of US policy. Lastly, we need all of the individual competitions out there that don’t receive federal funding like the Boston Marathon, to change their policies because they know that the people will not stand for men stealing women’s awards and opportunities.


Thanks for joining us in the fight. We aren’t done but we’ve definitely made a dent because of you.


Happy Women’s History Month.

And happy birthday to us.

And thank you for the support.